Parliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
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Parliament Hill webcam, Ottawa
Parliament Hill webcam (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada). This image is being transmitted via a video camera installed across the street from Parliament Hill.
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Video from this webcam
total: 14- Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Monday Jan 31, 2022, part 2 (1:35:41)
- 2Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Monday Jan 31, 2022, part 1 (2:33:06)
- 3Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Sunday Jan 30, 2022, part 3 (20:08)
- 4Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Sunday Jan 30, 2022, part 2 (2:36:52)
- 5Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Sunday Jan 30, 2022, part 1 (2:21:50)
- 6Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Saturday Jan 29, 2022, part 4 (1:43:14)
- 7Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Saturday Jan 29, 2022, part 3 (2:31:03)
- 8Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Saturday Jan 29, 2022, part 2 (2:23:23)
- 9Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Saturday Jan 29, 2022, part 1 (16:48)
- 10Freedom Convoy 2022 in 360°
(9:17) - 11Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Friday Jan 28, 2022, part 4 (56:49)
- 12Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Friday Jan 28, 2022, part 3 (1:11:31)
- 13Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Friday Jan 28, 2022, part 2 (43:30)
- 14Ottawa, Parliament Hill, Freedom Convoy, Friday Jan 28, 2022, part 1 (1:02:00)

Interesting shots with the webcam: 1Goodluck and Lots of Love from Rotterdam, the Netherlands!
Lily, Rotterdam // 2022-01-30
Canadians! You are HEROES! You are standig up for the whole World!
Alex, Riga // 2022-01-30
Good luck truckers. Best wishes from England
Pat, Bristol // 2022-01-30
nothing but love from Oklahoma. The Basket of Deplorables stands with the Unacceptable Fringe
Randy Lassche, Crescent OKlahoma // 2022-01-30
#freedomconvoy2022 go get em everyone!!!! #freedom #endallmandates
Lily, Ottawa // 2022-01-29
What a joke, where are the thousands of trucks? I've been to bigger concerts.
Anti-Andy, Sudbury // 2022-01-29
Thanks for the video from Friday night. Nice to see the on the ground sights and experience.
Gorm, Mississauga // 2022-01-29
Freedom Convoy!
Katherine, Glasgow // 2022-01-29